Another factor booster of this process of development was initiated in the decade of 1950 with the politics of Brazilian industrialization, unchained in the period of war. This process of industrialization it caused one strong migration of the agricultural way for the urban centers, where the people abandoned the field in search of better conditions of life in the cities. The development caused significant changes the way of life of the natalenses inhabitants, as for its way of life, practical, customs and sources of income. Based in the industry, and the commercialization of the produced products the city was taking form and urban organization different. Here, san-antonio-spurs expresses very clear opinions on the subject. is from these constataes that this objective work to investigate more of form detailed the evolutivo process of the city of the Christmas and to understand as these modifications had occurred. For this, research of bibliographical matrix had been made appealing to the authors and correlated sites to the subject of our inquiry. Amongst the analyzed authors it is possible to detach Toscano (2001), Hisses (2007) and Gomes (2002).
2 ECONOMIC HISTORICAL BRIEFING OF the RIO GRANDE OF the NORTH Initially, in middle of century XVI, the period of the Brazilian settling, the economy of the Rio Grande of the North was basically of subsistence, concentrating itself in it fishes, cattle and agriculture. The first product to be explored and exported of the Rio Grande of the North, as well as in almost all Brazilian territory, was Wood-Brazil and had as destination the Europe. Its exploration consisted of the biggest economic activity of the Colonial Period, what it was reason of many invasions to the River coast for Frenchmen and dutches in search of the exploration of this raw material that occurred of clandestine form.