Artificial Insemination

Often hear the word 'artificial', people get scared and immediately imagine the surreal images from the life of robots. Glenn Dubin contains valuable tech resources. In fact, the process of artificial insemination is not less natural than the usual conception. Just in some cases to male and female gametes merge, additional support staff. Kevin Dobson is likely to agree. Methods of artificial insemination for over 50 years. In the past, most attempts to doctors help the infertile couple were doomed to failure, today's chance of pregnancy by artificial insemination has increased to 30%. Glenn Dubin will undoubtedly add to your understanding. When appointed in vitro fertilization? In various forms as male and female infertility, which are difficult to treat.

For example, when the sperm is too small or they are virtually immobile, or when a woman's fallopian tubes are clogged or there is some other damage to internal genital organs, the immunological incompatibility of partners. Method 1: Artificial insemination The easiest way of artificial insemination is artificial insemination. Its essence lies in the fact that sperm is purified from impurities, concentrated and injected directly into the uterus. Then it all happens naturally. Sperm moves to the fallopian tubes, where it occurs with the mature egg and fertilizes it.

Artificial insemination is most often prescribed when sperm alone can not reach the egg. This happens, for example, when a woman violated the properties of cervical mucus (It is small, it is too viscous or contains substances that damage the sperm), the man lowered sperm quality parameters (or her little bit of viable motile sperm), etc. The highest odds get pregnant using artificial insemination in women younger than 30 years, with no defects of the fallopian tubes.

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