All we think about the beauty of our home. Especially now, when the market is the number of proposals that the eyes diverge. How then do not get confused as to pick up all items in the design of an … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: December 2018
To this respect Zilberman and Silva (1988, p.97) they comment: Instead of sponsoring scripts exclusively of> reading inhaled in this or that theory, the practical one of pertaining to school reading to center its reflection on the act concrete of … Continue reading
This geometry of the hall, and the construction of gender, and location of the stage and screen sizes. For example, a step floor construction allows establish a chair with a high back. Specialization of the theater should also not be … Continue reading
For this esteestudo it considers an approach to the daily one of the pupil through the use demeios as the art and literature searching to make with that the pupils perceive suaparticipao in the construction of the geographic space, therefore … Continue reading
To sustain the status of a dependent country needed a cultural superstructure designed to prevent knowledge of their identity. This superstructure is organized on the basis of a set of organizations and practices planned and developed by the imperialist powers … Continue reading