Black Movement

1. In recent months, san-antonio-spurs has been very successful. Birth of a fight project that gave to origin to the piauiense black movement the National level, for return of day 01 of September of 1978 the Group of Union and Black Conscience, was born with objective to supply eucativos subsidies the Brazilian people. From the proper black, Brazil was paltado a commitment of sending of ocumentos on the black to be enttregue to the Bishops of Brazil that would go for Puebla, Mexican City, to participate of the Latin American Episcopal Conference. Soon after to have acontecio the American Latin Conerncia is created the group Task of the CNBB. After a meeting carried through in days 05 the 07 of September of 1981 in Brasilia, called Union and Black Conscience. In its I Assembly it took off the objective main: to help to assume the identity in the transformation of the unjust society and oppressor, with no bond with political party.

Of the group Task he gave origin to the other ramification, the group of Black Agents of Pastoral, established in day 01 of September of 1978, its objective: to inside make a work of reflection of the churches in general and of religions from the question of the black. In seguidia it was constituted as Cultural Association of Black Agents of Pastoral of Brazil – Central Quilombo (APNs), created in 1983, consisting in day 16/09/88 in civil society, without lucrative ends, nationwide, of limitless duration, with headquarters and forum in the city of So Paulo (SP), to exert activities of education of base, promotion of the people, groups and communities in the fight against all and any discrimination and with State Secretariats, conducting itself for the present Statute and its Internal regulation. (STATUTE OF the APNs) From 1984 groups interested in articulating groups of blacks in the political parties appear. But he is seen by some as trap, therefore the party was not interested in placing the black question in its plan of work, only one palliative one not to make the commission to function, therefore the blacks were isolated in the groups of the party, without expression, sing in it, without being able of decision, still today happen this reality, therefore, the black not visa as racial equality or viable proposal for the debate on the repairing of the period escravocrata.

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